I Needed a Massage. I Bred Instead.

I've begun a workout regiment with a personal trainer. A tragically straight personal trainer — an incredibly hot, massively gorgeous, muscled bodied, young and delectable personal trainer with military training who could kill me if I made a Gay move on him. Add to that I'm making significant lifestyle changes including diet changes (long-time readers will know my affinity for Diet Coke; I'm down to two or less per day).

Besides the fact I leave workouts panting from intense desire to rub my sweaty body against my trainer's, he also fucks me up by actually making me work and work very hard. So my recovery day in between workouts is harsh. He kills me on squats. And the other day, he did.

I found it almost impossible to walk up the stairs but to walk down? Forget it! I don't think I'd ever experienced soreness like this. I needed a massage.

I love a good massage. Atlanta has proven to be a tough town for me to find a good, solid, reliable massage therapist with that extra little bonus. I've had a good straight therapist, a sketchy bi one, and then a string of others. My Asian therapist dropped off the map a long time ago. With my financial situation tight, I've not had the luxury of a massage in a good long while. However, I scrounged up enough for one since my legs needed it so badly.

He was cute and tall, 26 and thin but not too thin. But when I opened the door, despite providing my photo, I could see the disappointment in his eyes. I'd gone for the cheaper option and I'd end up disappointed too, as his massage lacked the enthusiasm he showed when I opened the door. Further, even those who get training, some just don't have the aptitude. He didn't.

Still, he had a lovely, smooth body that I couldn't help but admire. When I flipped over and he eventually got to my cock, he did seem to appreciate it. His cock stood out quite rigidly and, at between four and five inches, may not have been the biggest but seemed to be shaped perfectly.

I fondled him a bit as he massaged the oil into my cock, expecting a jerk off. I moved my hand around to his ass, smooth and bubblish. I touched it, lightly and just a little before he suddenly straddled me. Interestingly enough, he jerked his own cock and moved his ass just over my cock.

He reached behind him and positioned my cock so it pressed against his tight pucker. And with each movement, he pushed down further on my raw cock into his hole. Using only the small amount of oil on my cock, it strained a little to push inside. But my hard cock squeezed inside.

With a steady pace, he rode my cock. Within moments, I just relaxed and let my cum inject into his ass. I didn't make a noise. He kept riding and soon let out a sigh, spurting his cum all over me. He pulled off, wiped me off, I paid my fee and he left.

While my legs didn't feel much better, my balls sure did.
